During and after pregnancy can bring along many health complaints which can respond well to acupuncture. A lot of women are not happy to take medications or it may be the case that there is no safe medication available for certain complaints whilst pregnant.
Below is a list of conditions that women commonly present with during pregnancy for acupuncture treatment:
● Support if have had previous miscarriage
● Heartburn
● Varicose veins
● Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
● Fatigue
● Anxiety/Depression
● Vaginal discharge
● Pregnancy induced
● Small-for-date babies
● Nausea and Vomiting
● Constipation
● Haemorrhoids ● Musculoskeletal
problems ● Anaemia
● Itching ● Sinusitis ● Oedema
● Breech and posterior positions
Studies have shown that from 37 weeks onwards, women who have weekly treatments to help prepare for labour have a better chance of having a natural and efficient labour with less medical interventions (Betts, D (2004). “The Use of Acupuncture as a Routine Pre-birth Treatment”. The Journal of Chinese Medicine, 76:5-8.)
Acupuncture helps to relax the muscles, tendons and ligaments as well as starting to soften the cervix. It can improve blood flow to the pelvic area and help improve the energy of the mother. During these treatments other issues can also be addressed such as stress or anxiety, or if the baby has not yet engaged there are points to help this happen.
Often by having regular acupuncture treatments in the weeks leading up to your due date, there is an increased chance of you going into labour around your due date. If this does not happen, you may wish to have treatments to help initiate the onset of labour. You would need to be assessed by your doctor or midwife first to ensure everything is safe and to let them know that you are having acupuncture.
It can also help to have acupuncture in the few days prior to a medical induction to help initiate labour or help to make the medical induction more effective.
Conditions that can be treated after giving birth include:
● Mastitis
● Postnatal Depression
● Low energy
● Insufficient lactation for breastfeeding
● Night sweats ● Afterpains
● Persistent uterine bleeding