Menopause Online Workshop

In the image-obsessed culture of the West, where the emphasis is on youth and perceived beauty, menopause is generally viewed as a loss; everything from the power of transition and the gain of wisdom are pushed to the side where menopause is often seen as a disease or a disorder with no acknowledgement of a life full of other beneficial transitions in addition to physical ones.

Everyone experiences menopause differently; it’s not just something you ‘go through’. Western medicine focuses mainly on treating disease. Chinese medicine looks at your entire well-being – the correct and sensible approach to examining menopause, focusing on the benefits and positives on what is often a profound change in a woman’s life.

Menopause can be a very powerful and creative time in a woman’s life contrary to what society and advertising suggests.

In Chinese medicine and in a lot of the ancient cultures women in menopause where respected for their wisdom and experience of life. It is the end of menstruation and the beginning of a new stage for women which was considered a very powerful time.

The status of older women in cultures seems to be a key influence on how they experience menopause. In cultures where older women are valued, menopause is either a positive experience or not even noticed.

But in the youth-obsessed culture of the West, where the emphasis is on youth and beauty not maturity. Menopause is seen as  “loss” – of fertility, rather than on transition and “gain” – of wisdom and freedom, the medical or “disease” model of menopause is dominant.

In this 4 hour workshop I will look at what impacts our hormones and how we can keep them in balance through our diet and  lifestyle. Stress and environmental factor that impact our hormones will be looked at and what changes can be made to help.

I will also talk about the areas of the Face diagnosticly where we see hormone imbalances.

This workshop will cover foods, nutrients and herbs that all help before, during and post menopause.

Time and Dates:

Part 1 – 9th Oct 17:00- 19:00 GMT
Part 2 on 16th Oct 17:00-19:00 GMT

Price: €180. Click here to Book